Analog Household Cocks Egg Incubator

Description Capacity Parts Setting packing

Suitable for incubation different kinds of birds: chicken, quail, duck, goose, pheasant,…
Useful utilization of fertilized eggs
Easy to operate
Ability to convert to digital model

Find its capacity in the capacity section

Thermo controller Analog
Rotating system Automatic
Three kinds of egg tray for small, medium and large eggs
Indicator lights of gearbox operation
Ventilation system Permanent
Hygrometer One
Thermometer Two
Heater 220 volt
Body PVC
Two-layer insulation
Watching eggs easily
Special hatchery basket
One year warranty
Five years aftersales service
Ability to hatch all kinds of birds
Ability to hatch ornamental birds
Voltage 220 volt AC
Ability to work with battery
Consumption Low (30 watt)
Washable body
Washable water container
Training CD

Capacity of chicken egg 42 eggs
Capacity of pheasant egg 42 eggs
Capacity of quail egg 120 eggs
Capacity of goose egg 20 eggs
Capacity of duck egg 20 eggs

1. Analog thermo controller

2. Air mixer fan


4. Hygrometer

5. Thermometer

6. Water container

7. Special water bottle for filling the water container

8. Turning gearbox

9. Egg tray

10. Hatchery basket

11. Egg Candler

When the machine is started, the red light comes on and the element gets warm.
When the temperature reaches 37.5°, turn the thermostat to the left side till the red light goes off.
Wait for one hour till it reaches 37.7°.
In case, after one hour, the temperature does not reach 37.5°, turn the volume to the right till the thermostat goes on.
Note that each millimeter to the right, adds 0.5 degree, but it is shown by the thermometer after half an hour.
When the temperature is 37.5°, fluctuations between 36° to 38° is accepted. Therefore, do not change the setting.

Weight: 5 kg
Packing dimensions: 50*50*27 cm